It is the largest single source of federal government assistance for industrial R&D.The SR&ED Program provides claimants cash refunds and / or tax credits for their expenses on eligible R&D work conducted in Canada. CTAP’s devoted SR&ED professionals are experts in the SR&ED program, assisting Canadian companies maximize their R&D tax refund and determining their eligibility.

Are you developing innovative products, creating new processes, or experimenting with new materials? If so, your corporation may qualify to claim the SR&ED tax incentive. Actually, many companies conduct eligible work without being aware of it. CTAP can determine if your company is eligible. In fact, even if you know you are eligible, we can help you increase the dollar value of your submission(s) and go through an exercise with you to prove to you how we do it. If your business is a proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation performing business in Canada, you may be eligible for a cash refund and/or credit against outstanding taxes.